Expanding awareness through sharing accessible and applicable yoga education directly into homes, schools, offices, or anywhere with WiFi connection.
Vinyasa means ‘to put together in an intentional way’. This 60 minute practice will bring you into the state of flow between body, mind, breath and spirit.
Passive, longer held postures drop the practitioner into the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing space in the body and mind, for healing and restoration.
Mindful movement of the body in all its directions, creating space for prana to flow in a way that honors the quality of softness.
hatha yoga
Yoga practice designed around specific themes and postures. spend time workshopping a pose, practicing a pranayama, learning tales from the yoga tradition and practicing all the traditional postures.
ashtanga yoga
An exploration of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series: A set sequence of postures each time it is practiced and an emphasis on breath, this practice cultivates discipline, strength and humility.
Being a teacher is not a job, it is a calling. Inspired by my father, a lifelong teacher and educator in New Jersey, I too received that call and pursued a career as a classroom teacher . All the while I was studying, practicing and teaching yoga, mindfulness and plant-based cooking as my side-gigs. All of my classrooms were infused with yoga and mindfulness… I was the vegan teacher that drank green smoothies. I started leading more yoga sessions in schools, developed yoga summer camps at local studios and started teaching to many children and families. It became clear to me that I could ‘do my own thing’, create a business, and extend these teachings to places outside of my classroom. Since that fateful moment, I have developed yoga and mindfulness curricula for schools throughout New Jersey, including Princeton University, where I co-lead The Yoga and Meditation Fellowship. I opened my first yoga school in Princeton in 2019, and have since transitioned it to a global virtual community.
In addition to weekly community classes, I offer private lessons, wellness coaching sessions, corporate mindfulness sessions, lead retreats and trainings all over the world and offer plant-based cooking classes that will support you in achieving optimal health in body, mind and spirit. I am committed to sharing the science of yoga in a way that honors the whole system and its origins, and am blessed to work in many amazing institutions alongside many great teachers. When I am not practicing, or sharing the practices, I enjoy time exploring nature, traveling, creating art and amazing vegan food, retreating, meditation and time with my husband and I.T. guy, Trevor. I am grateful every day to this practice for changing my life and I am honored and humbled for the opportunity to connect and share with you.
Master of Education
500 HR / E-RYT
Certified Wellness Coach